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kitchen tea games

Kitchen Tea Games

Guess the Age of the Bride

Have a poster board with about 15-20 pictures of the bride, numbered 1-however many you choose. As each guest arrives, ask them to write down how old they think the bride is in each picture. Make sure to remind them to go in number order.

Purse Weigh-In

As each guest arrives for the kitchen tea party, ask them to weigh their purse, write down the weight, and hang on to the slip of paper.

After all the guests have arrived, compare weights and give prizes for the one who has the heaviest, the lightest, closest to the bride's.


Use a jar or attractive container and place a number of jelly beans or safety pins or some other suitable item in the jar. Make sure you know the answer but ask the guests to guess the number in the jar. Give a small prize to the winner.

Pre-Addressed Envelope

Views: 358 | Added by: iviangame | Tags: games, kitchen, Tea | Rating: 0.0/0
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