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Ask financial definition of Ask



The lowest price for which a seller is willing to sell some asset. When one makes a buy order. one may order a broker to buy at the ask, which is simply the best price currently available. The difference between the ask and the bid is called the bid-ask spread. which is a key measure of liquidity .


The price at which a security is offered for sale. Also called offer. See also best ask. Compare bid .


The ask price (a shortening of asked price) is the price at which a market maker or broker offers to sell a security or commodity.

The price another market maker or broker is willing to pay for that security is called the bid price, and the difference between the two prices is called the spread.

Bid and ask prices are typically reported to the media for commodities and over-the-counter (OTC) transactions. In contrast, last, or closing, prices are reported for exchange-traded and national market securities.

With open-end mutual funds, the ask price is the net asset value (NAV), or the price you get if you sell, plus the sales charge, if one applies.


What Does Ask Mean?

The price a seller is willing to accept for a security; also known as the offer price. The ask price quote also stipulates the number of shares offered at that price. Sometimes called “the ask.”

Investopedia explains Ask

This is the opposite of bid, which is the price a buyer is willing to pay for a security. The terms “bid” and “ask” are used in nearly every financial market in the world in regard to stocks, bonds, currency, and derivatives. An example of an ask in the stock market would be $5.24 × 1,000, which means that someone is offering to sell 1,000 shares at $5.24.

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