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Cerebral Palsy Support. Legal Resources. Advocacy.

#ask online doctor

#Ask the Doctor BlogAbout Cerebral Palsy

Cerebral Palsy Support. Resources. Advocacy.

Do you have a child with Cerebral Palsy? Have you been searching for answers to your Cerebral Palsy questions? Learn all about Cerebral Palsy and the latest treatments and therapy, read articles and news, or ask the doctor why he thinks your child has Cerebral Palsy. Dr. Walter Zalcman is a board certified obstetrician who has delivered thousands of babies. Find out if the referring attorneys of Lawyers Incorporated, the hosts of this site, will accept your case. You may be entitled to lifetime benefits. You will receive an answer to your Cerebral Palsy question within 24 hours.

Mr. Zisook, Founder of Lawyers Incorporated, P.C. recognized the need for resources for parents and families after his son was born with Cerebral Palsy. The changes and challenges that impacted his family inspired Mr. Zisook to provide educational, supportive and legal resources for other families facing similar challenges.  Please read a word from founder and president Mr. Zisook.

There are several types of Cerebral Palsy in children caused by brain damage. They include Spastic. Athetoid. Ataxic and Mixed. Causes of Cerebral Palsy can be different, but all causes stem from damage to the area of the brain that controls muscle tone. Symptoms include muscle tightness, involuntary movement, abnormal sensation, impairment of sight, hearing or speech, as well as seizures. Treatment for children with Cerebral Palsy can incorporate different kinds of therapies that may include physical therapy. occupational therapy. and speech and language therapy .

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