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Credit Repair, Executive Credit Services, Inc.

#credit fix #

Executive Credit Services, Inc. can assist you.

Getting help from a Credit Expert.

Even worse than people who say credit repair does not work, are people who try to convince you that getting help from a credit repair company is never a good idea. After all, they say, why hire someone to repair your credit reports when you can do it yourself?

By their logic, you could also tune up your car, build your own computer, calculate your own taxes, or cut your own hair. The law gives you the right to do so. But most of the time you have a professional do these things for you because it is usually faster, cheaper, easier, and produces better results.

In general, you'll pay higher interest rates the lower your score. In theory, the lower your score, the higher the risk to the lender that you won't pay the loan back. FICO scores range from 300 to 850; the median score is 723. To get the best rates, you'll usually need to have a score of at least low- to mid-700s.

Your credit score is compiled from information collected by the three major consumer credit agencies. each one calculates scores a little differently. s o you probably have slightly different scores with each agency.

Executive Credit Services has the knowledge and capacity to put you back on top. No matter what your credit report looks like, we urge you to contact us for a free consultation on how we will raise your score, WE GUARANTEE IT!

Executive Credit Services, Inc. is a fully licensed and bonded. (C.S.O.) Credit Services Organization.

Views: 343 | Added by: iviangame | Tags: services, Credit, Repair, executive, Inc. | Rating: 0.0/0
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