Home » 2016 » April » 14 » kitchen pantry
8:37 AM
kitchen pantry

The Kitchen Pantry - Sara Maternini s kitchen

Traditionally in Italy Easter IS chocolate. Loads of chocolate!

And every year, especially if you have a child in the house, you ll find your home filled with all different kind of Easter chocolate, in form of eggs, bunnies and even some lambs and hens!

All made with chocolate, chocolate, chocolate!

Is there a better period to remind you about all the wonderful chocolate recipes on this blog. (sometimes I m quite impressed by all the recipes there are on this almost 10 years old blog

Few basic rules for substitution:

if the original recipe call for dark chocolate. and you want to substitute it with milk or white, diminish the amount of sugar in the recipe.

Remember white chocolate is more difficult to work then milk or dark.

Chocolate chips can be substitute with chopped milk or dark or white chocolate.

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