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Questions: Kids 4 Truth

#ask god a question

#Questions About God

The world God initially created did NOT have evil, pain, and sorrow. In the beginning, before sin entered into the world, everything was perfect. God did not create evil, pain, and sorrow -- they are the result of man's choice to disobey God.

The Bible says that when Adam sinned, death passed upon all men. You can read about God's judgment upon the human race at the end of Genesis 3.

Sin is the cause of evil, pain, and sorrow. We cannot blame God for sin because God did not choose sin for us, rather, man chose sin for himself. God did not create humans as mindless robots to do fulfill His every whim and wish, God gave to man the ability to choose between good and evil. Man chose to disobey God and has suffered the consequences ever since.

But the good news is that God had planned before the foundation of the world to show His love to us by sending Jesus to pay the penalty for our sin. Just like there is a penalty when you break a rule in sports or school, there is a penalty for sin -- death and separation from God. Jesus paid that penalty for us on the cross when He gave to us His life. Jesus loves you so much that He took your place on the cross.

Heaven is a place without sin, so it is also a place without evil, pain, and sorrow. If you believe what the Bible says about Jesus and asked Him to forgive you of your sins, you can be confident that someday you will have a home in heaven.

This is a very good question, and we at Kids 4 Truth get asked this question A LOT! The obvious answer is nobody really knows.

The Bible is everything that God wants us to know about Himself. In the Bible we find that God has always existed:

John 1:1-3 -- that which we have seen and heard we declare to you, that you also may have fellowship with us; and truly our fellowship is with the Father and with His Son Jesus Christ.

Although we don't know where God was before He created the world, we do know that He did exist (Psalm 90:2), that He existed then the same as He exists now (Mal. 3:6) and that God was glorified as God even then (John 17:5).

It sure is hard NOT to think that angels sing. But, it cannot be proven from Scripture that they DO sing.

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