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second hand kitchen

#I need to buy a kitchen. Life in Germany - Toytown Germany

laurenk 2

Posted 14 Jun 2012

First off, I currently live in the States, so it's next to impossible to find a kitchen without looking at it. Second, I finally found an apartment, and *thought* I'd be able to buy the kitchen off the current renter. but she sold it to her aunt's boyfriend after she said she'd sell it to the next renter. So now I'm up the creek without a paddle.

So, I have a few questions.

1. I've found, by searching online for the past few hours, that most kitchens (that claim to be complete) come without fridges/ovens/etc. How can one ensure one is finding a *complete* (WITH fridge/oven/sink/etc) kitchen?

2. Where (aside from IKEA) can one locate a complete kitchen (or where would you recommend I look)? I'll arrive in Germany (NRW) in 3 weeks and can't get the apartment until 15 July.

3. What is a 'fair' price (or 'typical' price) for a complete kitchen? What have people paid in the past for a complete kitchen? I'm not looking for something fancy or huge; just something that gets the cooking and the storing done.

Views: 329 | Added by: iviangame | Tags: Germany, need, buy, to, in, kitchen., Toytown, LIFE | Rating: 0.0/0
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