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kitchen colors

#Choose Your Best Feng Shui Kitchen Colors

Ready to choose your best feng shui kitchen colors? Our easy feng shui guide to kitchen color is here to help!

There are so many ways to bring life and color to your kitchen, how can you possibly know which color will bring best energy to it? Here s where feng shui kitchen color guidelines can really help. Even though this is a complex subject, I will make it easy for you to choose the absolutely best kitchen color!

In feng shui, the best choice of colors is defined by the location of your kitchen. The location is determined by the so-called bagua, or feng shui energy map. There are two ways of defining the feng shui bagua which often can lead to a lot of confusion.

Not when you are with me, though! I have taken care of this topic by filming several short videos to explain the difference between the two feng shui baguas, as well as by giving clear visual instructions on how to apply each bagua in your home or office.

One of the secrets to feng shui success is to choose one bagua style and stick with it, instead of chaotically trying to apply both. So, you either work with the classical, also called traditional feng shui bagua or you work with the BTB, or Western feng shui bagua. Many feng shui cures are identical to both schools, and this certainly applies to best feng shui color choices, too.

Here I would like to give you a quick shortcut to best colors for your kitchen no matter which bagua school you decide to apply.

If you want instant gratification :)  you can just estimate the location of your kitchen, and later on take some time to define the feng shui energy map of your home.  No matter which bagua you choose to work with Classical or Western this guide has info for both. Enjoy!

So, here comes your easy feng shui guide to best kitchen colors.

Feng shui bagua area:  Fame Reputation

Western bagua location: center top

This is one of the most auspicious kitchen locations in feng shui as it works very well with the Fire feng shui element energy of South area. If you have a kitchen in the South, you can go wild with all sorts of fiery colors from bright red to intense yellow or sun kissed orange. You can also use a variety of Wood element colors such as green and brown. Colors to avoid in a South kitchen are blues and blacks.

If you have a kitchen in the Southwest area, you are also in luck!  Fire element is nourishing for the earth element of this bagua area (Love Marriage) so you can go also go wild with fiery colors if you so desire  - from bright red to yellow to orange and purple (even pink!). Earth element colors and decor items are excellent here, too. Colors to avoid in a Southwest kitchen are too many whites and grays or blue and black.

Western bagua location: mid right

Feng shui-wise, a kitchen in the West bagua area requires some care and attention, as the Fire element of the kitchen can weaken the Metal element energy of this bagua area. So,  avoid too many Fire element colors (for example, best to avoid a red wall color) and focus on strong earth element decor. Excellent for a West area kitchen are fresh whites, clean grays and warm earthy tones.

A kitchen in the Northwest area needs the exact same treatment as a kitchen in the West, as they both share the same feng shui element (Metal). So, have an abundance of warm earthy colors and decor  items. as well as crisp whites and clear grays. Avoid fiery and watery colors (see the feng shui color wheel for clear visuals on element colors).

Western bagua location: lower center

If you have a kitchen in the North area, you will have to juggle the fine art of feng shui color balancing you want to keep the Water element of this area happy by providing the best colors and decor for it blue, black, gray and white; at the same time you want to keep the fire energy of the kitchen strong and healthy. So, find a good visual balance between water and fire colors with the emphasis being on blue, black, gray and white colors. Metal element is usually an excellent balancing point for a North area kitchen in both colors (white, gray) as well as actual materials.

Western bagua location: lower left

A kitchen in the Northeast area is as easy to work with as a kitchen in Southwest area, as they both share the same Earth element. So, feel free to have as many fiery colors as you want from strong firetruck red to yummy yellow and, of course, bring an abundance of earth element decor and colors. Avoid too much black, blue, as well as white and gray colors.

Western bagua location: mid left

A bit of care is good for an East area kitchen, just because too much fire or metal element decor can damage the Wood element energy of this bagua area. So, try to avoid too many fire element colors and decor items, instead focusing on the earth feng shui element decorating. Green and brown colors are excellent for the East area kitchen, and so are the light blue accents. Avoid a predominantly white color kitchen in the East.

Feng shui bagua area:  Wealth Money

Well, there you have it, a very easy guide to choosing best colors for your kitchen!

Views: 256 | Added by: iviangame | Tags: Feng, Shui, Colors, kitchen, Choose, Your, Best | Rating: 0.0/0
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