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kitchen ovens

Kitchen ovens - Elleci

Cookies are small pieces of data sent from websites and stored in a user’s web browser. Every time the user loads the website, the browser sends cookies back to the server to notify the website of the user’s previous activity. During the navigation on a website, the user can receive also cookies coming from other websites or webservers (“third parties”), on which can be resident some elements (i.e. pictures, maps, sounds, specific links to other domains) present on the website the user is visiting.

Cookies usually present on browser in high quantity and sometimes long lasting in time, are used for different scopes: authentication, sessions monitoring, recording and tracking of pages, specific configurations, information about users which log into server, etc.

In order to reach a fare regulation of such device, it is needed to distinguish them, provided that there are not some technical features which make them different according to their finalities. In such direction moved also the same legislator who, according to the dispositions contained into rule 2009/136/CE, has brought the obligation to acknowledge the prior approval and to inform the users about the cookies installed for scopes different from the technical one (cfr. Art.1, paragraph 5, lett. a), Law dated 28th May 2012, nr. 69 which amended the article 122 of the Code).

To the scope of the present action provided, there are two macro-categories: “technical” cookie and “tracking” cookie.

a. Technical Cookies

Technical cookies are those used only for transmitting an electronic communication network, or in the measure needed from the supplier, for an information company service requested by the user” (C.Code Art. 122, par. 1). They are not used for further scopes and they are usually installed by the website manager. They can be divided into navigation cookie and session cookie, which guarantee the standard website browsing (allowing, for example, to purchase or authenticate themselves to reserved areas); analytics cookie, related to technical cookies when used directly by the website manager in order to collect information, in aggregated form, about visitors number and about their way to visit the website; cookies of functionality which allow to the user to browse in function of a selected series of criteria (i.e. language, selected items to be purchased) in order to improve the website service.

For installing these cookies any user’s previous consent is required, while it is an obligation to give the informative according to Art. 13 of the Code, that the website manager, using these devices can supply the most suitable modalities.

b. Profiling cookies

Profiling cookies are aimed to create profiles to the user and they are used to send advertising messages in line with the preferences shown during the browsing of the same. In virtue of the particular invasivity of such devices can have in the user’s privacy, the European and Italian Law foreseen that the user has to be suitably informed about the use and express his valid consent. To them refers the Art. 122 of the Civil Code which foresees that “the filing of information into terminal device of a contractor or of an user or access to already filed information, are allowed only if the contractor/user has express his valid consent after been informed through the simplified modalities according to the art. 13, par. 3” (art. 122, par. 1 Civil Code).

Elleci and Cookies

This website uses Cookies in order to remember stateful information about user and to fulfil other activities needed to functioning of the same, as for example the traffic distribution.

Third-party cookie

Some websites uses the user tracking activities for improving the browsing experience into the website.

Connection with social network

By these instruments it is possible to be connected to different social networks. All the information received from these applications are subject to the privacy policy of each social network.

Comments on blog

Into a blog it is possible to release a comment; the users are free to release anonymous remarks, the email address is used for sending notifies relating to comments.


Some services connected to remarketing, or better the user’s interests are used for commercial finalities through Google AdWords for improving the browsing on all the platforms of Google channel, from a advertising point of view, but any user personal data is recorded.


By this kind of application the website manager is allowed to analyse the access details to the website and monitoring the traffic, all though Google Analytics.

How to manage Cookies

The user has full faculty and freedom to manage his preferences relative to cookies, directly from his web browser and to avoid that third-parties can install and use them. You can also cancel all the cookies history previously installed.

IMPORTANT: Enabling all the cookies, the website functioning could be compromised.

For further information about cookies management through different browser: Google Chrome

Data treatment Manager

Elleci spa, 04014 Pontinia (LT) Via Migliara 53 a?? Z. I. Mazzocchio, supervisor Ms. Marcella Saralli, elleci@elleci.it

Since the Cookies installation and other tracking systems operated by third-parties through services used in this Application cannot be technically controlled by the Manager, each specific Cookies reference and tracking systems installed by third party is to be considered as approximate. In order to get complete information, please visit the Privacy Policy and further services listed in this document.

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