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kitchen aid mixer

#How to Paint Your KitchenAid Mixer - Dwell Beautiful

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One of my biggest regrets in life is that I did not register for a KitchenAid mixer on our wedding registry. Oh, what a fool I was! I feel like registering for a KitchenAid is a rite of passage when you get married, and for whatever reason I neglected to do that. A year or so into our marriage I realized my mistake. I wanted to make cookies from scratch, I wanted to make homemade frosting! I wanted to make and bake so many magical things! But alas, I didn t have a mixer to make the whole process smoother. *Tears* So the hunt began. I searched high and low to find this magical appliance by scouring Craigslist, but no luck. And I wasn t about to pay the $400+ price tag for a new one!

One day, the heavens opened up and a college friend of mine said she was selling hers for a mere $100! I jumped at the chance and a barely-used KitchenAid was mine! Score! And while I was so happy to be able to bake to my heart s content, I was less than thrilled about the color of my new mixer. It was a pale popcorn buttery yellow. Meh. Time to DIY it! I m more of an aqua kind of girl, so I decided to transform my mixer by changing the color to my favorite hue

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I was a little intimidated at first by painting my KitchenAid mixer, but it actually ended up being pretty easy! I was inspired by Apartment Therapy to actually work up the courage and go for it! Here s what you need to complete this project:

*120 grit sanding block                   Spray paint in your desired color                 Screwdriver

Frogtape                                             *Glossy enamel spray paint                             X-acto knife

Here s what I started with; a nicely functioning KitchenAid, but just not my style. If you end up with a hand-me down or Craigslist mixer or you just picked out the wrong color when you bought it and are having regrets, this is the perfect solution to update it so it matches your current decor!

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I started off by thoroughly cleaning my Kitchen Aid. A mild cleaner or a damp paper towel will do! After I wiped it down I also grabbed another paper towel and made sure everything was dry. I then dismantled some of my KitchenAid. I unscrewed the little bit in the front and set those aside and then also took off the back of the mixer. There is a little screw at the top holding it in place, simply unscrew, remove the plate and set both aside.

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After I took some of the mixer parts off, I covered the remaining metal plates and the wires in the back with some frog tape. I pressed hard along all the edges of the tape to get a crisp and straight seal. To cover the screws you didn t take out, cover with a small square of Frogtape and then take an X-acto knife,  cut around the edges of the screw and remove the excess tape.

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Once I was sure everything was taped off securely, I brought my mixer outside (and it weighs a ton!). Next I took my *120 grit sanding block and roughed up the surface of the KitchenAid, being careful to not rip the tape off. The goal is to get the all the gloss off don t worry about getting the paint itself off. Just making it matte and chalky is enough for this to work!

After I sanded, I wiped it down again with a wet cloth to get rid of all the dust and then took it into the garage and set about to painting. I went for my favorite aqua blue spray paint and did about 3 coats over the entire project, waiting for each coat to dry before I put on the next one. Don t forget to lift up the head of your mixer to get underneath! After I let the coats of aqua dry for a couple days, it was time to make it glossy again! It s best to use an *enamel-specific glossy spray paint to get that same professional look as the original color! I waited a day between each glossy coat so it had time to set. After a few days of drying it was time to screw the backplate and other pieces back on!

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Peel off the tape and voilà. My finished masterpiece! I actually love having it on the counter now instead of being embarrassed by the popcorn yellow color. Pretty much swooning right now

Views: 525 | Added by: iviangame | Tags: Paint, to, Dwell, Mixer, Your, how, Beautiful, KitchenAid | Rating: 0.0/0
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